Keep in mind that we provide lifetime updates and dedicated support in order to have no problems with the new versions of WP. Besides that, our themes offer new features in every new release. So please, stay updated.
How to update Greatives Themes with 1-click
Following the new Envato API and the official solution for updating items purchased on the market we recommend the usage of the Envato Market Plugin. Check on this related article how to set-up and use the Envato Market plugin for the automatic updates.
How to update our Themes manually (old-school)
This is an alternative method for the updates in case you meet problems with Envato’s API.
Follow the steps below:
- Deactivate your Theme – (activate one of the WP themes like Fourteen).
- Delete the Theme (Don’t worry, your content will not be lost).
- Upload and install the new Theme version, then activate it (upload it via FTP or via the WordPress upload function).
- If you won’t get an info message prompting you to update any of the required plugins you’re ready.
It’s important to update all the required plugins in case that you are prompted to.
Old School Update Method from Greatives on Vimeo.