At the beginning let’s create a new page by following the usual WordPress steps:
- Go Pages > Add New
- Give the page title
- Add your content (use the amazing Visual Composer)
Just below the TinyMCE Editor you will notice two meta boxes: One with the title ‘Page Options’ and another with the title ‘Feature Section’.
Let’s look briefly at both of these meta boxes.
Page Options
Here you can give a description for the page (a subtitle) you create, choose its layout (Default, Full Width, Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar),
select which widget area to use (among the 5 predefined areas) and if you also prefer a fixed(sticky) sidebar.
Additionally, you can disable the footer area and the page title.
Keep in mind that Default option means that the settings from the options panel of Reload will occur.
Feature Section
In each page, Reload gives you the ability to add one element above your main content, in the Feature section.
You can select among Image, Slider or Google Map. Create the slides you wish, add titles, captions, button, color overlay, opacity, parallax effect, upload an image or set up a google map.
Besides, you can define the height of your feature section. Choose a full-width section or specify the height you prefer in pixels.
For the full-width feature section, we recommend to upload images with width at 1920px.