You will find the List Title block in Gutenberg editor if you install and activate the Impeka Gutenberg Extension plugin.
This block provides a beautiful list of Portfolio, Post, or Product items.
Let’s see the available options.
Post Type: Choose between Portfolio/Post/Product.
Order By and Order: Define your order options.
Bottom margin: Add a bottom margin if you prefer.
Overlay Color and Opacity: Define color and opacity for overlay.
Title Color: Define the color for the Title.
Text Color: Set the color for your text.
Line Color: Set the color for the line on hover.
Title Tag: Set the Title Tag for SEO.
Title Size/Typography: Define the Title size.
Items per page: Set the items you want to display.
Display Style: Select if you want to display all items, display the pagination, or use the infinite scroll/load more effect.
Select if you want to display a filter and set All Text, Order, Style, Color, Shape, and Alignment.
You can select specific categories or exclude/include specific posts.
Additional CSS class(es)
Add a class or classes so you can modify this block via CSS.