Do you just need specific pages or portfolios, posts, products of our demo content to create your site? Do you just need to import a few pages to get a simple understanding of how the theme works and what certain elements functions have to offer for you?
Now, you can achieve this so easily with the Import On Demand feature in our redesigned import interface. Choose these specific pages, portfolios, posts and products you wish to import into your site. Select the ones you prefer via the available multi selectors under Impeka Demos and click the button Import Selected. Of course, you can still import the whole dummy content. It is up to you. Have fun 🙂
Keep in mind that you can also import only Theme Options of a demo. For example, if you import only one page of a demo it might not be the same as the live demo because you will not have the same general Theme Options. So, all you need to do after Import On Demand is to import only the Theme Options under Import Full Demo.

Note down that the Import on Demand process is not available for all Impeka demos.