Image Sizes in Osmosis

Below you can see the image sizes from the functions.php file. We recommend uploading images of exactly the sizes listed bellow so as WordPress will not resize your images. This will just save some server bandwidth.

Of course, no matter the image size someone uploads, the images will be automatically (on the fly) cropped (resized) in the following sizes.

add_image_size( ‘grve-image-extrasmall-square’, 80, 80, true );
add_image_size( ‘grve-image-large-rect-horizontal’, 1170, 658, true );
add_image_size( ‘grve-image-small-square’, 560, 560, true );
add_image_size( ‘grve-image-small-rect-horizontal’, 560, 315, true );
add_image_size( ‘grve-image-medium-rect-vertical’, 560, 1120, true );
add_image_size( ‘grve-image-medium-rect-horizontal’, 1120, 560, true );
add_image_size( ‘grve-image-medium-square’, 1120, 1120, true );
add_image_size( ‘grve-image-fullscreen’, 1920, 1920, false );